Sunday, 25 August 2013

AKSS Road Race

As one of my buildup races for nationals at the end of this season, I competed in the AKSS (Auckland secondary schools) cycling road race. 
On the foggy morning of the race 21 U15 girls lined up at the start line in Karaka Hall. 14.5 km later of swirling winds, undulating hills, and the hot sun beating down, the final 1.5 km hill loomed in the distance. 

Halfway up I decided to take my chances and attacked, i held my lead to the finish line and pulled off a 16 second victory. I won a Mt Eden cycles jersey and the race was really fun. :)

Warming down with Jamie

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Track Bike

After my success at track nationals earlier this year on a rented bike we have managed to convince mum and dad that I NEED my own track bike.

So here it is.

It is really light and looks so mean. Dad managed to get the last small sized Giant Omnium in the country and they are not bringing in any more. The down side to this is that I will have to wait 6 - 8 weeks before I can ride it at the velodrome. We are still in the road cycling season and there are lots of races and training still to do... But I can't wait!!!